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Check List

Questionnaire 01   Questionnaire 02   Questionnaire 03   Questionnaire 04

Attendance Unit
  • IP Addresses
  • Network Mode [SN/NS/NO]
  • Set Verify Option to - Display Employee ID/ Name
  • Disable Door Lock Trigger
  • Enable Back Light
  • Check Voice Prompt
  • FP Sensor Level
  • Employee Code Length
  • Create Terminal Admin with an ID and Password
  • Remote Access Manager
  • Set No of Fingerprints to be Registered for each Employee
  • Set Employee Code Length
  • Set Group Code Length
  • Set Terminal Length
  • Set Visitor ID Range FROM 9999999 TO 9999999
  • Set Automatic Synch of changed User Info to Immediate Synchronization
  • Add Terminals with option Allow Access to All Users selected
  • Create Groups
  • Download users from Terminals and Synchronize
  • Create Server Admin with an ID and Password
  • Settings
  • Create System Users and Assign Rights
  • Mark OT Days and Dates
  • Set the Shift Time and other Properties
  • Run the Employee XML to input ALL Data OR do them manually
  • Assign Shifts to All Employees
  • Assign Terminals to all Departments
  • Set the Min Clocking Time for the same Employee
  • Set Exit Terminal Option
  • Set Shift Rotation Option and Shift Rotation Cycles
  • Set Backup Path (Preferably an external USB Drive or a Network Drive)
  • Relate the Flags with the Leaves/ Suspension/ Public Holidays
  • Batch Process
  • DayMaster
  • Backup
  • RotateShift
  • MailerAttendance
  • MailerAbsence
  • MailerLateArrival
  • MailerEarlyExit
  • WeekMaster