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Virdi  vTime  Access Control, Time and Attendance Application



This Screen displays am On-Ground Snapshot of the whole Application

My Profile:
Login(s): XX
Number of times the Current User has logged in

Time Alteration(s) XX
Number of Time Alterations carried by the Logged-In User

Day(s) Present: XX
Number of Days the Logged-In User has been present from inception (If Username = EmployeeID).

Company profile:
Total Employee(s): XX
Total Number of Registered Employees.

Employee(s) (Cards): XX
Number of Employees Registered with Proximity Card/ Password.

Employee(s) (Finger Prints): XX
Number of Employees Registered with Fingerprint.

Employee(s) with Unassigned/ Assign All Shifts: XX
Number of Employees who have NOT been allocated a Shift. Attendance is NOT processed for Employees with Un-allocated Shifts

Department(s): XX
Total Number of Departments.

Division(s): XX
Total Number of Divisions.

Shift(s): XX
Total Number of Shifts.

System User(s): XX
Total Number of Application Users

Clocking Profile:
Today's Day Shift(s) Attendance: X
Total Number of Employees present on today's Day Shift.

Last Night Shift(s) Attendance: X
Total Number of Employees present on yesterday's Night Shift

Terminal(s): X
Total Number of Terminals (e.g. Biometric Machine)

Raw Log(s): XX
Total Number of Employees Clocking

Processed Record(s): XX
Total Number Employees Processed Clocking

Time Alteration(s): XX
Total Number of Time Alterations

Last Updated: 24/03/2009