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Virdi  vTime  Access Control, Time and Attendance Application


Exit Terminals:

- In case of Sites with a Big Premise, it is good to monitor the movement of the Employees between the Premise Gate and their Department. Terminals are installed at the Main Gates of the Premise which are used to ONLY Record and Display Time of Exit/ Entry and Department Terminals are used to compute the Working Time. This feature helps in actually monitoring the time spent by an Employee loitering around in the Campus. Also, it can be used to RESTRICT entries of un wanted elements in the Premises. This Module helps to differentiate between the Department and the Exit Terminals.

Exit Terminals : Click on the drop down list to select a terminal

Department Terminals : Click on the drop down list box to select a Terminal

Submit Record : Click on the Submit Record to define the selected Department Terminal as an Exit Terminal

When an Exit Terminal is selected, there is an option to throw it back as a Department Terminal by clicking the Delete Record button