Go Green - Think Twice before you Make Copies
Virdi  vTime  Access Control, Time and Attendance Application


Global Settings:

- Min Clocking Seconds between 2 Clockings for same Employee (Ideal = 30 Seconds): Type the new time (seconds) in the text box or accept the default time.

- Max OUT Time (HHMM) for Night Shift (Ideal = 1500): Type the new time (i.e. HH-Hour and MM-Minute) in the text box or accept the default time.

- Use Projects: Click on the drop-down list box to select option. The default option is Yes, and is repeated twice in the drop-down list.

- Use Exit Terminals: Click on the drop-down list box to select option. The default option is No, and is repeated twice in the drop-down list.

- Allow NON-CLOCKING on Exit Terminal: Click on the drop-down list box to select option. The default option is No, and is repeated twice in the drop-down list.

- Use Shift Rotation: Click on the drop-down list box to select option. The default option is No, and is repeated twice in the drop-down list. (Note: If Yes is selected, Shift Rotation sub-menu is displayed in the SETTINGS main menu after you have Signed off and Login again).

- Next Shift Rotation Date: Type next shift rotation date in the text box, if option to Execute Automatic Shift Rotation is unchecked; to manually control the rotation process.

- Pay EARLY IN Overtime: Click on the drop-down list box to select option. The default option is No, and is repeated twice in the drop-down list.

- Pay LESS LUNCH Overtime: Click on the drop-down list box to select option. The default option is No, and is repeated twice in the drop-down list.

- Allow NO-BREAK…: Click on the drop-down list box to select option. The default option is Yes, and is repeated twice in the drop-down list.

- Rename Social No Column to…: Click and type into the text box.

- Minutes Value…: Click and type the minutes in the text box. (Default = 0).

- Database Backup Path…: Click and type the database backup path in the text box (e.g. D:\Backup without any trailing backslash). N/B: The Backup folder should be created on drive D: or C: before specifying this path.

- Transaction Record Lock Date: Click and type a valid date (format - DD/MM/YY, e.g. 31/01/2009) into the text box. Warning! Transaction performed on the software are locked automatically, (not allowing any further alterations), when the specified date is exceeded. However, new entries can be modified, while a new lock date should be set when necessary.

- Text to be displayed on Colour Flag Reports: Click and type the Flag text and desired Colour Code into the scroll box. Example: type SL: Blue to mean, Sick Leave is flagged as Blue.

- Include Selected Flags…: Click to mark or unmark the check box beside each colour code. Marked boxes will be included in the Snapshot Report.

When done click on the Save Changes button to save the new settings.

Last Updated: 06/02/2009